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URL: www.GodOnThe.Net/dictionary |
earnest | Heartfelt, serious and diligent, emotionally intense and solemn. |
east sea | Dead Sea. |
Easter | For the Jews it was the week of passover, but for the Christian it was the celebration of the resurrection of Christ. |
Ebal | A mountain in Samaria where Joshua spoke the curses that would result from breaking the law. |
Ebenezer | A place near Mizpeh where Israel because of sin lost a battle with the Philistines (where Eli's sons were killed and the Ark of the Covenant was captured), but where later God delivered them from the Philistines. |
Eber | Son of Salah, lived 464 years. |
Ecclesiastes | Means preacher, book in the Old Testament generally ascribed to Solomon. |
Ed | The name of the altar of witness between the tribes east and west of the Jordan. |
Eden | Where God put Adam and Eve, but eventually made them leave. |
edification | Improve spiritually or morally by instruction or example. |
edify | Improve spiritually or morally by instruction or example. |
Edom | Esau, "red", the older son of Isaac that sold his birthright to Jacob. |
Edomite | Descendant of Esau, dwellers of the land of Edom located between the Red Sea and the Dead Sea. |
Edrei | A principle city of the Amorite kingdom of Og. |
effectual | Successful in bringing about a desired effect. |
effeminate | A man or boy that acts like a female. |
Eglon | A city near Lachish, taken by Joshua. |
Egypt | Place where Joseph brought his family to save them from starvation. |
Egyptian | From Egypt. |
Ehud | A judge of Israel, the son of Gera, a Benjamite that killed Eglon, king of Moab. |
Ekron | One of the 5 principle cities of the Philistines, and also where the Ark was taken from Gath. |
El | God. |
El Dhu Olami | The God of eternity. |
El Elohe Israel | The God of Israel. |
El Olam | The everlasting God. |
El Shaddai | The almighty God. |
Elah | "An oak", one of the Kings of Israel. |
Elam | A region of southern Iran, directly north of the head of the Persian gulf, but south of Media, very close to present day Kuwait. |
Elamites | Inhabitants of Elam. |
elders | Older men in the faith, leaders. |
Eleazar | "God helpeth", a high priest, son of Aaron, placed as chief of the Levites. |
elect | Chosen. |
election | God's choice of Israel as his people. |
eleventh hour | 5:00 pm. |
Eli | "Lifting up", the high priest to whom Hannah brought Samuel. |
Eliab | David's oldest brother. |
Elias | Elijah. |
Eliezer | "God is my help", second son of Moses and Zipporah, father only of Rehabiah. |
Elihu | One of Job's friends. |
Elijah | "My God is Jehovah", the prophet who confronted the prophets of Baal at Mount Carmel. |
Elimelech | Naomi's husband, father in law of Ruth. |
Eliphaz | One of Job's friends. |
Elisabeth | Elizabeth, husband of Zechariah, mother of John the Baptist. |
Eliseus | Elisha. |
Elisha | "My God is salvation", prophet successor to Elijah. |
Elizabeth | "Oath of God", cousin of Mary, mother of John the Baptist. |
Elkanah | The father of Samuel. |
Elon | A Zebulonite that judged Israel 10 years. |
eloquent | Skillful in the use of words. |
Elymas | A sorcerer. |
embolden | Make bold. |
emerald | Possibly a modern green emerald gemstone. |
emerods | Tumers. |
Emmanuel | "God with us", name given to Jesus at his birth. |
Emmaus | A village near Jerusalem. |
emulation | Copy, try to do as well as. |
encamp | Camp. |
enchantment | A magic spell or charm. |
endeavour | Works towards a goal, try. |
endow | Give money or property for upkeep or benefit. |
endue | Provide with a talent, ability, power, etc. |
endure | To hold out for a long time under suffering. |
Eneglaim | "Spring of the two calves", a spring on the shore of the Dead Sea. |
Engedi | "Spring of the goat", a freshwater spring on the west of the Dead Sea. |
engraft | Graft in. |
Enhakkore | "Spring of One calling", where God provided Samson with water from the jawbone. |
enjoin | To impose as a rule, to command. |
enmity | a feeling of hatred or hostility. |
Enoch | "Dedicated", son of Jared, father of Methuselah, he walked with God, and was not for God took him, lived 365 years. |
Enos | Son of Seth, father of Cainan, lived 905 years. |
Enosh | Enos, son of Seth, father of Cainan, lived 905 years. |
enquire | Ask. |
enrich | Make rich. |
Enrogel | Job's Well, a water source just outside of Jerusalem. |
ensamples | Examples. |
ensign | A flag or standard, an emblem or badge, a symbol of office. |
ensue | Happen, or come afterwards or as a result. |
entice | Offer some reward in order to get someone to stop resisting and do as you wish. |
entreat | mistreat, or plead with or for. |
envies | Antagonism towards someone that has something you want but you do not have. |
environ | Surround, or encircle. |
envy | Antagonism towards someone that has something you want but you do not have. |
Epaphras | A companion of Paul. |
Epaphroditus | "Handsome", a companion of Paul. |
ephah | A dry measure equal to about one half bushel. |
Ephesians | The letter written by Paul to the church at Ephesus. |
Ephesus | Seaport city of Asia Minor, 1st of the 7 churches of Revelation. |
ephod | The holy vest worn by the priests. |
Ephraim | Second of Joseph's two sons, blessed as firstborn by Jacob. |
Ephraimites | Descendants of Ephraim, the 2nd son of Jacob. |
Ephron | Sold Abraham the land where he buried Sarah. |
Epicureans | Believed that supreme good (not momentary pleasure) is happiness. |
epistle | Letter. |
Er | First son of Judah and the Canaanite woman Bathshuah, very wicked. |
Erastus | The city of Corinth's public works director. |
ere | Before. |
Esaias | Isaiah, a prophet. |
Esau | "Hairy", firstborn son of Isaac, Jacob's brother, also called Edom, descendants became the nation of Edom. |
eschew | Avoid. |
Esek | "Contention". |
Eshcol | A valley a few miles north of Hebron where the spies gathered a huge cluster of grapes. |
espied | Noticed, or caught sight of. |
espoused | Engaged to be married. |
Esrom | Hezron, son of Pharez. |
estate | Condition. |
esteem | Respect. |
Esther | "A star", became Queen of Ahasuerus, saved Jews from destruction by Hamaan, and the book that tells her story. |
estimation | The amount of money to be given to the priest when a vow was made. |
eternal | Everlasting, forever. |
Ethiopia | An African country that exported precious stones to Israel. |
Eucharist | The sacrament of the Lord's supper where bread and wine represent the body and blood of Christ. |
Eunice | "Happily victorious", mother of Timothy. |
eunuch | A man who can not have sexual relations. |
Euphrates | One of the two great rivers of Mesopotamia. |
Euroclydon | A south eastern or eastern wind that turns to a north eastern wind, producing very violent weather. |
Eutychus | "Lucky", a young man in the city of Troas that fell out of a window and died, but was brought back to life by Paul. |
evangelist | "To announce the good news", one who preaches the facts of the Gospel in order to win converts. |
Eve | "Life", the first woman, Adam's wife, mother of all living. |
eventide | Evening. |
everlasting | Last forever, live forever. |
evil | Bad. |
ewe | A female sheep. |
exact | Demand or enforce payment of a penalty or tax. |
exalt | Give glory, lift up. |
exhort | Urge, encourage, advise strongly. |
exhortation | A persuading speech to do the right thing. |
exile | Someone that is displaced from and living outside of their homeland. |
Exodus | Second book of Bible, records the leaving of Israel out of Egypt. |
exorcist | One who casts out an evil spirit. |
expedient | Necessary, advisable. |
expired | Passed, or died. |
expound | Explain and interpret with great detail. |
extoll | Highly praise or glorify. |
extortion | Taking money by force, threats or deception or by excessive overcharging. |
extortioner | One who takes money by force, threats or deception or by excessive overcharging. |
eyeservice | Lip service, insincere expression of approval or agreement. |
eyewitness | Someone who sees an event. |
Ezekias | Hezekiah, 13th King of Judah. |
Ezekiel | "The strength of God", prophet of the old testament during Israel's captivity, the book of his prophecies. |
Ezra | "Help", a hebrew priest and scribe that returned to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple, and the book that tells his story. |