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URL: www.GodOnThe.Net/dictionary |
Aaron | "Enlightened", the older brother of Moses, the first high priest of Israel. |
Abaddon | "Place of destruction", the satanic angel of the bottomless pit. |
Abarim | The mountain where Moses saw the promised land and then died. |
abase | Bring down, humiliate. |
abate | Reduce, do away with, decrease. |
Abba | Aramaic for "Father". |
Abdon | The son of Hillel, a Pirathonite, that judged Israel 8 years. |
Abednego | One of Daniel's companions. |
Abel | "Vanity", Son of Adam, murdered by his brother Cain. |
abhor | Hate. |
abhorrest | Hates. |
Abia | Abijah, or Abijam, the son of Rehoboam, 2nd King of Judah. |
Abiah | The second son of Samuel. |
Abiathar | A priest at time of David. |
Abib | Nisan, first month of Jewish calendar, (March-April). |
Abide | Stay. |
Abigail | "A father's joy", wife of Nabal, a wealthy sheep raiser of Carmel, married David when Nabal died. |
Abihu | Son of Aaron, a priest, killed by fire from heaven. |
Abijah | "My father is Yahweh", or Abijam, the son of Rehoboam, 2nd King of Judah. |
Abijam | "My father is Yahweh", or Abijah, the son of Rehoboam, 2nd King of Judah. |
Abimelech | 1. King of Gerar, tried to take Sarah, Abraham's wife and Rebekah, Isaac's wife into his harem. 2. Son of Gideon, became king of Shechem. |
Abinadab | David's second oldest brother. |
Abinidab | A man of Kiriath-Jearim who kept the Ark after its return by the Philistines. |
Abiram | A Reubenite who along with his brother Dathan and the Levite Korah rebelled against Moses. |
Abishag | Attendant of David in his old age. |
Abishai | Became commander of David's mighty men. |
Abner | Commander of Saul's army. |
abode | The place you live, stay, or remain. |
abolish | Destroy, do away with. |
abominable | Something which causes intense disgust. |
abomination | A terrible, nasty, ugly, despicable, disgusting thing. |
abound | Exist in abundance. |
Abraham | "Father of a multitude", the first man to receive the promise from God that all the world would be blessed by one of his descendants, lived 175 years. |
Abraham's bosom | Paradise, seated next to Abraham. |
Abram | Abraham. |
Absalom | "Father of peace", son of King David that tried to take his throne, but was killed. |
abstain | Do without. |
abstinence | Doing without. |
abyss | Bottomless pit. |
accord | Agreement, harmony. |
accursed | Under a curse, condemned. |
Achaia | A small region of Greece on the south coast of the gulf of Corinth. |
Achan | Kept some of the spoils of Jericho, was killed for that sin. |
Achaz | Ahaz, 12th King of Judah. |
Achish | King of Gath, provided place of escape for David when Saul was looking for him. |
Achsah | Caleb's daughter, given to Othniel for taking Kirjathsepher. |
Achshaph | "Place of magic", a northern Canaanite city taken by Joshua. |
acknowledge | Recognize as a fact, admit that something is true. |
Acts | The book, written by Luke, recording the Acts of the Holy Spirit immediately following the ascension of Christ. |
Adah | Esau's wife, the daughter of Elon the Hittite. |
Adam | "Red man", created in the image of God, the name of the first man, lived 930 years. |
Adar | The last month of the Jewish calendar (Feb-March). |
adder | A serpent. |
adjure | To charge a person to do something as though on oath. |
Admah | One of the cities destroyed with Sodom and Gomorrah. |
admonish | Warn, to reprove mildly. |
admonition | Warning, rebuke. |
ado | Fuss and bother, commotion. |
Adonijah | Son of David, would have been king except for Solomon. |
adorn | Add beauty or splendor by decoration. |
Adramyttium | A harbor on the W coast of Asia Minor, SE of Troas, E of Assos. |
Adria | The Adriatic Sea. |
Adullam | A Canaanite city SW of Jerusalem where David hid from Saul in a cave. |
Adullamite | A resident of Adullam. |
adulteress | A woman that commits adultery. |
adultery | Unfaithfulness to your husband or wife. |
adversary | Enemy, or the one who is against you. |
adversity | Trouble, affliction. |
advocate | One who speaks in defence of another. |
Aeneas | The man healed of palsy by Peter. |
afar | At a distance. |
affirm | Confirm. |
affliction | A pain, disease, or something that bothers you. |
affrighted | Afraid. |
afoot | On foot. |
afore | Before. |
aforehand | Before the happening. |
aforetime | Before. |
Agabus | A Jerusalem prophet that predicted a great dearth and Paul's arrest. |
Agag | King of the Amalekites, defeated by king Saul. |
agape | Love. |
Agar | Hagar, the handmaid of Sarah, mother of Ishmael. |
agate | A precious stone, a fine grained variegated chalcedony. |
aged | Older. |
agony | Intense mental or physical suffering. |
Agrippa | King of Judea before whom Paul appeared. |
ague | Fever. |
Ahab | "Uncle", a very bad 7th King of Israel, married to Jezebel. |
Ahasuerus | "Mighty man", King of Persia at the time of Esther. |
Ahaz | "Possessor", 12th King of Judah. |
Ahaziah | 1."Jehovah seizes", son of Ahab, 8th King of Israel. 2. Son of Jehoram, 6th King of Judah for one year. |
Ahijah | Prophet of Shiloh. |
Ahimelech | A priest of Nob that aided David in his flight from Saul, murdered by Doeg the Edomite. |
Ahinoam | Wife of Saul. |
Ahithophel | David's counselor that sided with Absalom, later committed suicide. |
Aholah | "Her tent", name given to Northern Kingdom. |
Aholiab | A skilled metal worker. |
Aholibah | "My tent", name given to Southern Kingdom. |
Aholibamah | Esau's wife, the daughter of Anah. |
Ai | A small fortified city near Bethel, captured by Joshua. |
ain | The 16th letter of the Hebrew alphabet. |
alabaster | A soft light colored stone with streaks or stripes through it. |
Alas | An expression of grief, regret, pity or concern. |
albeit | Even if, although. |
aleph | The 1st letter of the Hebrew alphabet. |
Alexander | A common Hellenistic name. |
Alexander the Great | Alexander the III, 356-323 BC King of Macedon, founded Alexandria, defeated the Persians and Egypt. |
Alexandria | Capital of Egypt, 2nd largest city of the Roman empire. |
Alexandrian | From Alexandria, capital of Egypt, part of the Roman empire. |
alienated | Withdrawn. |
aliens | Foreigners. |
alleging | Proving. |
allegory | A deeper meaning underlies the literal meaning. |
Alleluia | Hallelujah, a song of praise to God. |
Almighty | All powerful. |
alms | Gifts to God, gifts to poor people. |
almug | A wood supplied by King Hiram for Solomon's buildings. |
aloes | Oils from sweet smelling sap of certain trees, used for perfume, medicine and to anoint for burial. |
alpha | The 1st letter of the Greek alphabet. |
Alphaeus | 1. Father of the apostle James. 2. Father of the apostle Matthew (Levi). |
altar | Place to worship or sacrifice. |
altar of burnt offering | The bronze altar used to burn offerings to God. |
altar of incense | The golden altar, used to burn incense. |
Amalek | Grandson of Esau, father of the Amalekites. |
Amalekite | Descendant of Esau's grandson Amalek. |
Amasa | Commander of David's army until murdered by Joab. |
Amaziah | 1. "Jehovah has strength", 9th King of Judah. 2. The priest at Bethel that confronted Amos. |
ambassador | Someone who represents someone else. |
ambassage | A group of people sent to negotiate for someone else. |
amen | So be it. |
amend | To change for the better. |
amerce | Fine, or punish. |
amethyst | A precious gemstone, a purple variety of transparent, crystalline quartz. |
Aminadab | Amminadab, son of Ram. |
amiss | Wrong. |
Ammi | "My people". |
Amminadab | Son of Ram. |
Ammonites | Descendants of Lot, generally regarded as relatives of the Israelites. |
Amnon | Firstborn son of David, killed by Absalom for raping his sister Tamar. |
Amon | "Builder", 15th king of Judah. |
Amorites | Descendant of Canaan. |
Amos | "One with a burden", a prophet of Israel, and a book that records his message of God's judgement on northern Israel. |
Amram | The husband of Jochebed, the father of Moses, Aaron and Miriam. |
amulets | Very small carvings of gods, sacred animals worn to protect and bring good fortune. |
Anakims | "Giants", defeated by Joshua and Caleb. |
Anakite | Descendant of Anak, large, mean, fighting people who lived in Canaan. |
Ananias | 1. A Christian that lost his life for lying. 2. A Christian that helped Paul at Damascus. 3. A Jewish high priest that tried Paul. |
Anathema Maranatha | "May our Lord swiftly execute his judgements." |
Andrew | "Manly", one of the 12 disciples of Christ, brother of Peter. |
angel | Messenger from God. |
anguish | Severe mental suffering. |
anise | A mediterranean plant whose seed was used for its aromatic flavor and oil. |
Anna | "Grace", a prophetess. |
Annas | "He gave graciously", the High Priest from AD 6 to AD 15. |
annul | To make null and void. |
anoint | Usually to put oil on something to dedicate it to a particular purpose. |
anon | Presently, soon, in a moment. |
antiChrist | The opponent of Christ, a false Christ. |
Antioch | 1. The 3rd largest city of the Roman empire, 15 miles inland from the NE corner of the Mediterranean Sea, where believers were first called Christians. 2. Antioch of Pisidia, a Roman colony 110 miles from Perga, NW of Iconium. |
Antipatris | A military post 30 miles from Jerusalem, between Judea and Samaria. |
apocalypse | A revelation, another name for the book of Revelation. |
apocrypha | A number of books included in Catholic version of Bible, but not in Protestant. |
Apollos | A christian worker from Alexandria in the early church, instructed by Aquila and Priscilla. |
Apollyon | "Destroyer", the satanic angel of the bottomless pit. |
apostasy | The public abandoning of your faith for another. |
apostle | The first to introduce Christianity to a pagan land, includes the 12 original disciples of Christ, Matthias that replaced Judas, Paul, Barnabas and James the brother of Christ. |
apothecary | A perfumer, one whose business was to compound ointments. |
apparel | Clothing. |
appealed | Made request. |
appease | Calm, or satisfy. |
Appii forum | A small town 43 miles from Rome. |
apprehend | Capture, arrest, to become aware of. |
apt | Able. |
Aquila | Coworker of Paul. |
Aquilla | "An eagle", worked with Paul, abolished from Rome. |
Arabia | The large peninsula between the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf, a nomadic people. |
Arabians | Arabs, inhabitants of Arabia. |
Aram | Ram, son of Hezron, grandson of Pharez, great grandson of Judah, great great grandson of Jacob. 2. Son of Shem, descendants were called Arameans. 3. Son of Hezron. |
Aramaic | The Jews starting speaking Aramaic when they were taken as slaves to Babylon. |
Arameans | A nomadic people, descendants of Shem on the west side of the Syrian desert. |
Ararat | Mountain in Armenia where Noah's boat came to rest. |
arbiter | arbitrator, one who settles disputes. |
archangel | An angel of the highest order. |
Archelaus | Son of Herod the Great by a Samaritan woman, ruled over parts of Israel violently. |
Archippus | Fellow soldier of Paul and Timothy. |
Areopagite | A member of the Areopagus. |
Areopagus | "The hill of Ares" the greek god of war, a small hill NW of Acropolis, also called Mars hill. |
Aristarchus | One of Paul's traveling companions who accompanied him from Jerusalem to Rome. |
ark | A boat or a wooden box (Noah's ark, Ark of the Covenant). |
Ark of the covenant | A chest which held the stone tablets of the 10 commandments, Aarons rod, and a jar of mannah. |
Ark of the testimony | A chest which held the stone tablets of the 10 commandments, Aarons rod, and a jar of mannah. |
Armageddon | The location of the final battle between the forces of good and evil. |
Armenia | The area south of the Black Sea, north of Assyria. |
armour | An outer covering for protection. |
Arnon | A rainy season river which runs into the east side of the Dead Sea opposite Engedi. |
Arphaxad | Son of Shem, grandson of Noah, lived 438 years. |
array | Position for battle. |
arrayed | Dressed in ceremonial garments. |
arrogancy | An exaggerated and boastful sense of one's own worth or importance. |
art | Are. |
Artaxerxes | One of two Persian kings, also called Xerxes and Ahasuerus. |
Artemis | Same as Diana, the greek goddess of the moon and of hunting, a temple at Ephesus. |
artificer | Skilled craftsman. |
Asa | "Physician", 3rd King of Judah. |
Asahel | Nephew warrier of David, killed by Abner, avenged by Joab. |
Asaph | Leading singer when the ark was brought to Jerusalem. |
ascend | Climb. |
ascribe | To assign to a cause or source. |
Asenath | Wife given to Joseph by Pharaoh, daughter of Potiphera the priest of On, mother of Manasseh and Ephraim. |
Aser | Asher. |
Ashdod | Modern day Esdud, 18 miles NE of Gaza known for its temple of Dagon. |
Asher | The 8th son of Jacob, 2nd son of Zilpah. |
Asherah | A false goddess of the Canaanites, possibly the wife of Baal. |
Asherites | Descendants of Asher, the 8th son of Jacob. |
Ashkelon | City on the Palesinian coast between Jaffa and Gaza, birthplace of Herod the Great. |
Ashtaroth | A city 20 miles east of the Sea of Galilee, the center of the worship of the fertility goddess Ashtaroth. |
Ashtoreth | A false goddess of the Canaanites. |
Asia Minor | The region North of the Mediterranean Sea including Bithynia, Galatia, Pontus, Cappadocia. |
Askelon | Ashkelon, city on the Palesinian coast between Jaffa and Gaza, birthplace of Herod the Great. |
asleep | Dead. |
asp | A small poisonous European snake. |
ass | Donkey. |
assault | Attack. |
assay | Attempt, try. |
assented | Gave acceptance to the truth of a doctrine. |
Assos | Modern Behram Koi, a seaport of Asia Minor directly N of the island of Lesbos. |
asswage | Decrease, subside. |
Assyria | An ancient kingdom in Northern Mesopotamia, principle cities were Ninevah, Assur, and Calah. |
astray | The wrong way, lost. |
asunder | Apart, or into two or more parts. |
Athaliah | "God is strong", daughter of Ahab and Jezebel, wife of Jehoram of Judah, made herself Queen. |
atheism | Belief that there is no God. |
Athenian | From Athens. |
Athens | Capital of Attica and chief seat of Grecian learning and civilization. |
atone | To make amends for. |
atonement | 1. The covering over of sin, the reconciliation between God and man, accomplished by Jesus Christ. 2. The Day of Atonement was proclaimed by the Jews as a day of humiliation for sins. |
attain | Arrive at, obtain. |
Attalia | A seaport harbor on the northern coast of the Mediterranean Sea. |
augment | Add to, or increase. |
Augustus | "Renowned", the first Roman emperor, 27B.C. to 14A.D. |
aul | Awl, tool for making holes, especially in leather. |
austere | Strict and stern. |
avenge | To inflict just punishment in return for something or in behalf of someone. |
avenger | The one who takes or executes vengeance. |
avoid | Stay away from. |
avouch | Promise, answer. |
await | Wait for, to look out for. |
awe | A strong feeling of wonder, respect or fear. |
Azariah | Uzziah, the 10th King of Judah, son of Jehoram. |
Azotus | The Philistine Ashdod, 18 miles northeast of Gaza. |