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URL: www.GodOnThe.Net/dictionary |
Baal | "Lord", "master", a fertility god of the Canaanites. |
Baalberith | "Lord of the covenant", the Canaanite god with a shrine at Shechem. |
Baalgad | A mountain on the northern edge of the territory taken by Joshua. |
Baalhazor | A 3,333 foot high mountain 9 miles NNW of Bethel, where Absalom killed his brother Amnon. |
Baalhermon | Mount Hermon, a 9,100 foot high mountain on the northern boundary of Israel. |
Baali | "My Lord", or "my master". |
Baalim | Plural of Baal. |
Baalmeon | One of several towns built by the Reubenites in the territory of Sihon the Amorite. |
Baalpeor | A god of the Moabites. |
Baaltamar | Where Israel ambushed Benjamin. |
Baalzebub | "Lord of the flies", the god of the Philistine city of Ekron. |
Baalzebul | "Baal the prince", the god of the ancient Canaanites. |
Baasha | "Offensive", became 3rd King of Israel by murdering Nadab. |
babe | Baby. |
Babel | "Confusion", site of the tower of Babel where everyone was given a different language. |
Babylon | An ancient capital of Babylonia, 55 miles south of Baghdad. |
Babylonia | One of the countries of Mesopotamia that defeated Israel. |
Backbiters | Slanderers. |
bade | Requested, invited. |
Balaam | "Destruction", the prophet sent by the King of Moab to curse Israel. |
Balac | Balak, King of Moab who hired Balaam to curse Israel. |
Balak | King of Moab who hired Balaam to curse Israel. |
balm | A fragrance, used medicinally. |
band | A group of men, or a flat, narrow strip of cloth. |
banquet | Feast. |
baptism | Ceremony by which you enter the church, symbolizing the death and rising from the dead of Christ. |
baptist | One who practices baptism, such as John the Baptist. |
baptize | Perform a baptism. |
baptized | Ceremoniously dipped in water, symbolizing the death and rising from the dead of Christ. |
Barabbas | A robber and a murderer that was released instead of Jesus. |
Barak | A judge of Israel, who fought with Deborah against the Canaanites. |
barbarians | Foreigners. |
barbarous | Foreigner, to the Romans, anyone outside the Roman empire. |
barbed irons | Harpoons. |
bare | gave birth to, or carried. |
Barjesus | A false prophet. |
Barjona | "Son of Jonah", Simon Peter. |
barley | A grass of which the grain is used to make cereal and feed animals. |
Barnabas | "Son of Consolation", one of the first missionaries that accompanied Paul. |
barren | Without child, unable to have a child. |
Bartholomew | "Son of Tolmai", an Apostle of Jesus, also called Nathanael. |
Bartimeus | "Son of Timeous", a blind beggar healed by Christ. |
Baruch | Jeremiah's scribe. |
Barzillai | A Gileadite that aided David during Absolom's revolt. |
base | Morally low. |
Bashan | A fertile region east of the Jordan River lying N of Gilead. |
Bashemath | Daughter of Elon the Hittite that married Esau. |
basin | An open vessel (like a pot) for holding water or other liquid. |
bason | An open vessel (like a pot) for holding water or other liquid. |
bastard | A child born to unwed parents. |
Bathsheba | "Daughter of the oath", the wife of Uriah that David had killed so that he could marry her. |
battlement | A low wall at the edge of a roof to prevent people from falling off. |
bdellium | A tree that yields a gum resin like myrrh. |
beam | A large piece of wood. |
bear | Carry. |
beast | Animal. |
beatitudes | The blessings listed by Jesus in the sermon on the mount. |
Beautiful gate | A gate in Herod's temple to the Court of the Women, where many indigent and sick people sat and begged. |
beckon | Invite to come near with a nod of the head or a gesture of the hand. |
becometh | Is worthy of. |
Bedan | Barak, a judge of Israel. |
Beelzebub | Beelzebul, prince of devils. |
Beelzebul | Beelzebub, prince of devils. |
Beerlahairoi | The well where Hagar spoke to an Angel of God. |
Beersheba | "The well of the seven", a city of southern Palestine, where Abraham dug a well. |
beeves | Oxen. |
befell | Happened. |
beforetime | Previously. |
begat | Had a son or daughter. |
beget | Have children born. |
begotten | Born. |
beguile | Fool, to deceive. |
beguiled | Tricked. |
behalf | In someone's good interest. |
beheld | Looked at and considered. |
behemoth | Plural of the word beast. |
behold | Look at and consider. |
behoved | Was morally necessary to someone. |
bekah | A unit of weight equal to one half a shekel. |
Bel | A false god of the Babylonians. |
belial | Worthless, wicked, Satan. |
believe | To be under the opinion that something is absolutely true. |
believer | A term referring to a follower of Christ. |
beloved | One who is loved. |
Belshazzar | A King of Babylon, probably a grandson of Nebuchadnezzar. |
Benaiah | Son of Jehoiada, an officer of the bodyguards of David and Solomon. |
Benammi | Son of Lot by his youngest daughter, became father of the Ammonites. |
benefactor | Someone who gives help, especially financial. |
benefit | The help or profit someone recieves, or to help or profit someone. |
benevolence | Kindheartedness, generous giving. |
Benhadad | "Son of Hadad", King of Damascus. |
Benjamin | "Son of the right hand", 12th, youngest of the 12 sons of Jacob, 2nd son of Rachel. |
Benoni | "Son of my sorrow". |
Berea | Modern Verria, 50 miles W of Thessalonica. |
bereaved | Left desolate or deprived because of a death. |
Bernice | "Bringing victory", the oldest daughter of Herod Agrippa I, sister of Drusilla, born in AD28. |
beryl | Probably a green gemstone, either green chrysoberyl, green peridot or ordinary beryl, beryllium alumino-silicate. |
beseech | Implore, request with great intensity, beg. |
beset | Surrounded. |
besiege | To surround with armed forces and attack. |
besought | Implored, requested with great intensity, begged. |
bestow | Give or grant, or to devote, or to place or store. |
beth | "House of", also the 2nd letter of the Hebrew alphabet. |
Bethabara | "House of the ford", the name of the place east of the Jordan where John the Baptist was baptizing. |
Bethany | A small village 1.5 miles East of Jerusalem. |
Bethel | House of worship, a city 14 miles North of Jerusalem, where God appeared to Abraham and Jacob. |
Bethesda | "House of mercy", a Jerusalem pool with 5 porches. |
Bethlehem | "House of bread", a small city 6 miles SSW of Jerusalem, city of David, and where Christ was born. |
Bethphage | "Place of young figs", a village on the Mount of Olives. |
Bethsaida | "Fisherman's house", the Galilean home of Philip the Tetrarch, and the disciples Phillip, Andrew and Peter. |
Bethuel | Son of Nahor, father of Rebekah. |
betimes | Early, in good time. |
betray | Give help to the enemy rather than a friend. |
betrayal | The act of betraying. |
betroth | Promise to marry someone. |
betrothal | An engagement to be married. |
betrothed | Engaged to be married. |
betwixt | Between. |
Beulah Land | "Married", for the Lord delights in thee. |
bewail | Cry over someone's death or misfortune. |
beware | Be aware, watch out for, be on guard against. |
bewitch | Fascinate or charm, or affect by witchcraft. |
bewrayeth | Betrays. |
Bezaleel | "Under the shadow of God", a metalsmith skilled in many crafts, gold, silver, brass, etc. |
Bible | God's written word. |
bidden | Invited. |
bier | A frame on which a coffin or corpse is taken to its burial. |
bigot | Narrow minded or prejudice in your beliefs. |
bigotry | To be narrow minded or prejudice in your beliefs. |
Bildad | One of Job's friends. |
Bilhah | Rachael's handmaid that bore Jacob's sons Dan and Naphtali. |
birthright | The inheritance and blessing given to the first born son. |
bishop | A high ranking Christian minister. |
bishoprick | The office of a bishop. |
Bithynia | A province on the coastal strip of Northern Asia Minor. |
bitten | Bit by a snake. |
bittern | A small or medium sized heron that has a characteristic booming cry. |
blains | A blister or sore on the skin. |
blameless | Without fault. |
blaspheme | Speak evil of God, or deny that he has done something good, or to credit someone else to being God. |
blasphemous | Speak evil of God, or deny that he has done something good, or to credit someone else to being God. |
blasphemy | Speak evil of God, or deny that he has done something good, or to credit someone else to being God. |
blaze | Proclaim, spread the news far and wide. |
blemish | Defect, or whatever keeps something from being perfect. |
bless | Give help, to make something better. |
blessed | Happy, one who has received a blessing. |
blessing | Good gift usually from God bestowed upon someone. |
blood | Represented life, or death. |
blot | Absorb, or to cover over. |
Boaz | Married Ruth, great grandfather of King David. |
Bochim | Bokim,"weepers", where an angel of the Lord prophecied against Israel. |
boisterous | Rough, or cheerfully loud. |
bold | Brave, daring. |
bolled | Boiled. |
bolster | A long pillow or cushion that extends the full width of the bed. |
bond | A written legal agreement, or that which holds two things together. |
bondage | In slavery. |
bondservant | A slave. |
bonnets | Head-gear, turban. |
Booz | Boaz that married Ruth. |
bore | Push through, or to drill. |
borne | Carried. |
bosom | Chest area, a fold in the clothes in the chest area that was used for carrying grain, other small items. |
botch | Boils, or ulcers. |
bough | A branch of a tree, main branch. |
bound | Restrained, such as by tying down. |
bounty | Generosity, giving freely. |
bow | Rainbow, or weapon used to shoot arrows, or to kneel in submission. |
bowed | Having either the head bent down or the back bent over. |
bowels | Affection. |
bowshot | Distance an arrow could be shot. |
bramble | A brier or any prickly bush or vine. |
brasen | Made out of brass. |
breach | The breaking of a legal or moral obligation. |
bread | Food, also represented the broken body of Christ. |
breadth | Width. |
breastplate | A shield that was to protect the chest area. |
breeches | Short pants worn by the Priest. |
brethren | Brothers. |
bridechamber | Room which became the bride's bedroom, upon her ceremonial removal from her home. |
bridegroom | A man that was about to be married. |
brimstone | Sulphur. |
broided | Braided. |
broidered | Embroidered, decorated with needlework. |
broth | A thin soup made from meat and vegetables. |
brute | Acting like a wild animal. |
buckler | A shield used to cover or protect the body. |
buffet | Hit by a storm or bad luck or by someone. |
bullock | A male cow, or oxen. |
bulrushes | Grassy reads such as where Moses was found as a baby. |
bulwarks | Defensive walls for protection. |
burden | Something you must carry. |
burnt offering | Offered every morning and evening, not to atone for sin, but as a sweet savour to God. |