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URL: www.GodOnThe.Net/dictionary |
Caesar | Title of the Roman emperors. |
Caesarea | Named in honor of Augustus Caesar, it was the seat of the Roman government of Judea during the NT times, located 30 miles N of Joppa. |
Caiaphas | High Priest from AD18 to AD36 son in law to Annas. |
Cain | "Possessor", firstborn son of Adam, murdered his brother Abel. |
Cainan | 1. Son of Enos, great grandson of Adam, lived 910 years. 2. Son of Arphaxad, great grandson of Noah. |
Caiphas | "Depression", high priest at the time of Christ. |
calamus | Sweet tasting plant stalk probably like sugar cane. |
caldron | A large deep iron cooking pot for use over an open fire. |
Caleb | "Dog", one of 12 spies that came back with a good report. |
calling of God | A spiritual summons to carry out a mission. |
Calvary | Place of Christ's crucifixion. |
Cana | Town of Galilee where Jesus performed his first miracle. |
Canaan | Land promised to Abraham by God, also the name of one of the sons of Ham. |
Canaanites | Descendants of Canaan. |
Candace | An Ethiopian queen whose minister was converted under Philip. |
canker | Cancer. |
cankerworm | Probably a stage in the development of the locust. |
Capernaum | A city on North shore of the Sea of Galilee, a center of Christ's ministry. |
Caph | The 11th letter of the Hebrew alphabet. |
Cappadocia | An Eastern province of Asia Minor. |
carbuncle | A red precious gemstone. |
carcase | The body of a dead animal or person. |
Carmel | A mountain ridge in Israel, site of Elijah's confrontation with the prophets of Baal. |
carnal | Pertaining to the flesh, or fleshly desires. |
carriages | Personal belongings. |
cassia | A pleasant smelling powder like cinnamon. |
cast | Throw. |
Castor and Pollux | "Twin brothers", greek mythology sons of Leda, supposed protectors of sailors. |
caul | A membrane inside the stomach or liver. |
Cedron | A brook on the east side of Jerusalem. |
celestial | Heavenly. |
celibacy | Unmarried. |
Cenchrea | A Seaport 6 miles E of Corinth on the Saronic Gulf. |
censer | A vessel upon which the incense was burned in the sanctuary. |
centurion | Roman officer with authority over 100 men. |
Cephas | A stone, name given to Peter by Jesus. |
chaff | The husk or hull of a head of grain. |
Chaldean | An inhabitant of southern Babylonia. |
chamber | Room. |
chambering | Sexual immorality. |
chamberlain | An official in charge of a household of a nobleman. |
chamois | Probably a mountain sheep. |
champaign | A desert plain. |
Chanaan | Canaan. |
chapiters | The top or head on the pillars of the tabernacle and its court. |
charger | A deep dish, that which was used to bear weight. |
chariot | A two wheeled vehicle pulled by horses, used in warfare. |
charity | Spiritual love for others, giving to the needy. |
charmer | One who tied magic charms. |
Charran | Haran. |
chaste | Innocent of immoral sexual acts. |
chasten | Administer spiritual discipline. |
chastise | Punish for the purpose of correction. |
chastisement | Punishment. |
Chemosh | A false god of the Moabites (same as Ammonite god Molech). |
Cherub | An order of angels with a lion's body, human face, wings. |
Cherubim | Symbolic creature that stood guard at the garden of Eden and the temple of Solomon. |
Cheth | The 8th letter of the Hebrew alphabet. |
chide | Reprove, rebuke, compel. |
chief priests | The Sadducees who were in charge of worship at the temple in Jerusalem, the teachers and interpreters of the law. |
Chinneroth | "Harp", the sea of Galilee. |
Chios | One of the larger islands off the W coast of Asia Minor. |
choler | Anger. |
Chorazin | A town on the Sea of Galilee, 2.5 miles north of Capernaum. |
Christ | The Messiah, Son of God, Jesus, Saviour, Redeemer. |
christian | "Like Christ", one who follows Christ. |
Chronicles | Two books that contain a record of the early years of Israel's history. |
church | A local group of believers or the whole body of believers. |
churl | A rude, vulgar, stingy or hard to work with person. |
churlish | Ill mannered, bad tempered, uncivilized. |
Chushanrishathaim | King of Mesopotamia at the time of the Judges. |
Cilicia | A Roman province in the SW part of Asia Minor. |
circumcision | A ceremonial cutting of the foreskin of males, also a term used in reference to the Jews. |
circumspect | Attentive to the consequences of one's behavior. |
Cis | Kish, the father of King Saul. |
cistern | An underground tank for storing water. |
city of David | Bethlehem. |
clamour | A loud confused noise or complaining. |
Clauda | A small island about 23 miles SW of Crete. |
Claudius Caesar | Roman Caesar from Ad 41 to 54. |
Claudius Lysias | The Roman centurian that arrested Paul in Jerusalem, stationed at the fortress of Antonia. |
clave | Held onto something. |
cleave | Hang onto, hold fast, or split into two parts. |
clemency | The disposition to be merciful. |
Cleopas | A disciple to whom Jesus appeared after the resurrection. |
cloak | Covering, a loose sleeveless outer garment. |
cloke | Covering, a loose sleeveless outer garment. |
clothe | Dress, put clothes on. |
clouted | Patched. |
cloven footed | Of a divided hoof. |
Cnidus | A city on the most SW point of Lycia, about 170 miles from Myra. |
coat of mail | A breastplate made of sheets of metal overlapped like fish scales. |
cockatrice | A serpent. |
cogitate | Think, plan, or devise. |
Colosse | A city in Asia, about 10 miles from Laodicea to which Paul wrote his letter of Colossians. |
Colossians | The book from Paul addressed to the church at Colosse. |
colour | Disguise. |
comeliness | Attractiveness. |
comely | Beautiful, or proper, or in good standing. |
comforter | The Holy Spirit that was promised by Christ. |
commandment | A divine order. |
commend | Entrust, to recommend. |
commendation | Recommendation. |
commit | To have done, to entrust. |
commodious | Accommodating. |
common | Ordinary, or belonging to more than one, or impure. |
commonwealth | A free association of self governing units. |
commotion | A noisy disturbance caused by a number of people. |
commune | Discuss, to communicate. |
communion | The partaking of bread and wine that was begun by Jesus that symbolized his broken body and his spilled blood. |
companied | Accompanied. |
compass | The ledge of an altar, or to circle or surround. |
compassed | Surrounded or circled. |
compasseth | To completely surround. |
compassion | The desire to help when a need is discovered. |
compel | Force. |
compelled | Forced. |
comprehend | Understand the meaning or the significance. |
conceit | Thinking that you are better than someone else. |
conceive | Become pregnant, or to form an idea. |
conception | The act of becoming pregnant. |
concision | Those who would enforce circumcision on Gentile Christians. |
concord | Harmony, a state of agreement. |
concourse | Coming together. |
concubine | A woman that lives with a man, but does not have the standing of a wife. |
concupiscence | Sexual desire, lust, desire for earthly things. |
condemn | Declare unfit for use, or to censure or blame, or to pronounce punishment. |
condemnation | Blame, the state of being declared unfit for use, or no good. |
condescend | Be gracious to someone of lower status. |
conduct | Escort, or guide. |
coney | A rock badger, a small rabbit sized animal with feet like a hyppopotamus. |
confection | The perfume made by the temple apothecary. |
confectionary | A female perfumer. |
confederate | League, joined together, allied. |
conferr | Discuss. |
confession | Acknowledgement of our sin to God. |
confidence | Assurance, trust. |
confirm | Assure, validate, establish the truth of something. |
conform | Comply, to do as others do. |
conformable | In proper agreement or likeness. |
confound | Confuse, or baffle. |
congregation | An assembly of people for a religious service. |
conscience | Knowledge of your own acts as right or wrong. |
consecrate | Declare holy, or to dedicate to a purpose. |
consolation | Relief by comfort for those who are suffering, grieving or disappointed. |
consort | Associate, or accompany. |
conspiracy | Secretly joining together for an evil purpose. |
constrain | Persuad by strong pressure or force. |
consumption | Tuberculosis of the lungs, or an annihilation. |
contempt | An attitude to something which one despises or sees as worthless or vile. |
contemptible | Worthy of scorn or contempt. |
contend | Argue. |
contentions | Controversy. |
contentious | Quarrelsome. |
contrariwise | To the contrary. |
contrary | Opposite in nature or direction, opposed. |
contrite | Grieving and penitent for sin. |
conversion | The changing into a new lifestyle. |
convert | To change spiritually. |
convey | Carry, transport, suggest. |
conviction | Impressed with a sense of guilt. |
convocation | A calling together, to assemble a group of people. |
Coos | Cos, a large and mountainous island off the SW coast of Asia Minor. |
copulate | Join together sexually. |
Corban | "Offering", to dedicate one's earnings to God, but not necessarily giving the money to God, thereby nulifying the required support of your parents. |
Core | Korah, "Baldness", grandson of Kohath, challenged the authority of Moses and was killed by God. |
coriander | A plant whose seeds are used for flavoring and for making a drug that reduces stomach gases. |
Corinth | A Greek seaport city visited by Paul. |
Corinthians | Residents of Corinth, and the name of the letters sent to the Church at Corinth. |
cormorant | A large black voracious sea bird. |
Cornelius | A Godly Roman Centurion. |
corpse | Dead body. |
corrupt | Changed from good to bad, dishonest, to make wicked, to defile. |
corruptible | Open to corruption, especially bribes. |
corruption | The state of being in moral decay. |
council | An assembly of authorities (Sanhedran). |
counsel | Advice, or an elected legislative or advisory body. |
countenance | Facial expression. |
coupled | Connected. |
covenant | Agreement between two parties. |
covet | A strong desire for something that does not belong to you. |
covetousness | The sin of wanting something that does not belong to you. |
craft | Slyness, craftiness, or occupation. |
craftiness | Deception. |
craved | Asked. |
create | To bring into existance something that has never existed before. |
Creator | The one who creates. |
creature | The one who is created. |
creepeth | Move along with the body prone and close to the ground. |
Crete | An island in the Mediterranean. |
crew | Crowed. |
crimson | A deep red color. |
crookbackt | Hump backed. |
cross | An upright beam used to crucify people, symbol of Christianity, or the burden we must bear. |
crucified | Put to death by nailing to a cross. |
crucifixion | The act of being crucified. |
crucify | Put to death by nailing to a cross. |
cubit | A measurement of length (about 18 inches, 2 spans) of a man's arm from the elbow to the tip of the middle finger. |
cuckow | A bird of the sea gull family. |
cumbered | Burdened. |
cumbrance | Encumbrance, any burden or obligation that burdens or restricts another. |
cummin | A Mediterranean plant whose seed was used for its aromatic flavor. |
cunning | Crafty, deceitful. |
cupbearer | An attendant that pours wine, sometimes also a wine taster. |
curious arts | Sorcery. |
curse | A call for divine punishment. |
cursed | Condemned. |
Cush | Son of Ham, father of Nimrod. |
custom | A head tax, or a generally accepted practice or habit. |
cymbal | One of a pair of shallow brass plates that are banged together to make a ringing clang. |
Cyprus | An Island in the eastern Mediterranean. |
Cyrene | An ancient Greek city west of Egypt, the chief city in Libya and north Africa between Alexandria and Carthage. |
Cyrenian | From Cyrene, an ancient Greek city west of Egypt, the chief city in Libya and north Africa between Alexandria and Carthage. |
Cyrenius | While governor of Syria-Cilicia he organized the census in Judea when the territory came under Roman rule. |
Cyrus | King of Persia that conquered Babylonia and Syria in 539 B.C, and let the Israelite exiles return to rebuild Jerusalem. |