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URL: www.GodOnThe.Net/dictionary |
Gabbatha | "The hill of the house", a place where judgement is given. |
Gabriel | The archangel that told Mary that she was to have God's son. |
Gad | The 7th of the 12 sons of Jacob, 1st son of Zilpah. |
Gadarene | People who lived east of the Sea of Galilee. |
Gadites | Descendants of Gad, the 7th son of Jacob. |
gainsay | Contradict, to deny. |
Gaius | "I am glad", one of Paul's companions. |
Galatia | A providence of Asia Minor. |
Galatians | The letter that Paul wrote to the church at Galatia. |
galbanum | An ingredient of the Holy incense, a gum resin with a pungent balsam odor. |
Galeed | In Hebrew, "Witness heap". |
Galilaean | A resident of Galilee. |
Galilean | Resident of Galilee. |
Galilee | A region of northern Palestine including the Sea of Galilee. |
gall | Bile from the gallbladder, anything bitter, poison. |
Gallio | The proconsul of Achaia from AD 52-53. |
Gamaliel | "Gift of God", a Jewish doctor of the law, teacher of Paul. |
Garden of Eden | Place where God put Adam and Eve but later made them leave. |
garlands | Circles of flowers. |
garment | An article of clothing. |
garner | A granary or storehouse. |
garnish | Put away, store away. |
Gath | One of the Philistine cities where the Ark of the Covenant was taken and the hometown of Goliath. |
Gaza | A Philistine city, now a Palestinian border town on the border of Egypt. |
gaze | Look at for a long time. |
Gedaliah | A governor of Judah, appointed by Nebuchadnezzar. |
Gedeon | Gideon, "Tree feller", a judge of Israel that asked God for a sign (fleece). |
Gehazi | "Valley of vision", Elisha's servant that received Naaman's leprosy. |
gender | 1. As a noun, usually refers to male or female, but may refer to a breed. 2. As a verb, it means start. |
generation | A period of about 25 to 40 years, a group of immediate family members. |
Genesis | "The beginning", the first book of the Bible. |
Gennesaret | A fertile plain on the shore of the Sea of Galilee. |
Gentiles | Non Jewish persons. |
gerah | "Kernal, a bean or grain", a unit of weight, one twentieth of a shekel. |
Gerar | A Philistine city, where King Abimelech had a run in with Abraham and Isaac. |
Gergesenes | Gadarenes, the area adjacent to the sea of Galilee in the district of Gadara. |
Gerizim | A mountain in the Samaritan highlands in Ephraim. |
Gershom | "Stranger there", the son of Moses and Zipporah. |
Gershon | First son of Levi. |
Gethsemane | "Oil press", a garden near Jerusalem. |
Gezer | A city on the road from Joppa to Jerusalem, taken by Joshua. |
Gibeah | Home town of Saul, his capital. |
Gibeon | City of Benjamin 6 miles NW of Jerusalem, where Joshua had the sun to stand still one whole day. |
Gideon | "Tree feller", a judge of Israel that asked God for a sign (fleece). |
gift | A bribe. |
Gihon | 1. One of the four rivers of Eden, presumably a canal that connects the Tigris and Euphrates as ancient river beds. 2. A spring in the Kidron Valley that provided water for the city of Jerusalem. |
Gilboa | A mountain in the valley of Jezreel where Saul and his sons were slain. |
Gilead | 1. A fertile mountain region east of the dead sea, of which comprised the tribes of Reuben, Gad and half of Manasseh. 2. Grazing land east of the Jordan river. |
Gilgal | Place where Israel crossed the Jordan river, Joshua built an altar of 12 stones. |
gimel | The 3rd letter of the Hebrew alphabet. |
gird | Fasten around the waist with a belt. |
girdle | Belt, waistband or other clothing worn around the waist or breast. |
girt | Encircled. |
glean | Gather leftover grain after the harvest. |
glede | An unknown bird of prey, perhaps a kite or a hawk. |
glorified | Praised. |
glorify | Praise. |
glorious | Worthy of praise. |
glory | Praise, adoration, worthiness. |
gluttony | Eating too much food and drink. |
gnashing | Grinding your teeth together, as a sign of pain or grief. |
goad | Ox goad, a long, wooden rod, sometimes having a metal tip, used for driving animals. |
goat | Represented the bad. |
God | 1. "God", the supreme being that created everything. 2. "god", false gods. |
God-ward | Towards God. |
Godhead | The state or quality of being divine. |
godless | Without God. |
godliness | Goodness, being holy like God is holy. |
godly | Good, devout, holy. |
goeth | Goes. |
Gog and Magog | A people destroyed by God for coming against Israel. |
golden vials | Prayers of the saints. |
Golgotha | Place near Jerusalem where Christ was crucified. |
Goliath | "An exile" or "splendor", the Philistine giant (9' 9" tall) that David killed with his sling. |
Gomer | Prostitute wife of Hosea, mother of Jezreel, Loruhamah, and Loammi. |
Gomorrah | The Palestinian city destroyed by God for its godlessness. |
Gomorrha | Gomorrah. |
goodman | Master of the house, householder. |
gopher wood | An unknown wood used to construct Noah's ark. |
gore | Pierce or wound with horns or tusks. |
Goshen | Place in lower Egypt that Joseph brought his family. |
gospel | "Good news", the story of Christ. |
gossip | Idle talk about someone else behind their back. |
gourd | The fruit of any plant that has a hard outer shell. |
grace | Unmerited favor from God (GRACE God's Riches At Christ's Expense). |
gracious | Showing grace and mercy, giving kindness. |
graffed | Grafted. |
Grant | Give. |
grate | A frame of metal bars to contain wood, etc in a fire. |
grave | Solemn, thoughtful, or a burial place, or to engrave. |
graven | Engraved. |
graven image | A carved image. |
greaves | A piece of defensive armour reaching from the foot to the knee. |
Grecian | From Greece. |
Greece | Refers to the Roman province of Achaia. |
greed | Sin of wanting more than you need. |
Greek | The language first used to record the new testament. |
Greeks | The people from Greece, or in some cases refers to Gentiles. |
grieve | Feel deep sorrow. |
grievous | With great suffering and trouble. |
grisled | Partly colored or variegated as goats, or horses. |
grope | Feel your way around. |
grounded | On good foundation. |
groves | Holy trees on the tops of mountains or hills where the heathen, pagans worshipped their gods. |
guardian | Protector. |
guestchamber | Room set aside for the use of a guest. |
guile | Deceiving, trickery. |
gulf | A huge gap. |