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URL: www.GodOnThe.Net/dictionary |
I Am | The name God gave to himself. |
Ibzan | A Judge of Bethlehem that judged Israel 7 years. |
Ichabod | "Where is the glory", the name give by the wife of Phinehas to her child, on hearing that the Philistines had captured the ark. |
Iconium | Modern Konya, a walled city in central plain of Galatia where Paul had to flee. |
idol | An image of a god that is the object of worship rather than God himself. |
idolater | Someone who worships idols. |
idolatrous | Practicing idolatry. |
idolatry | Worship of an idol. |
Idumaea | "Edom", an area in western Palestine south of Judea. |
Idumea | An area in southern Judah where the Edomites migrated. |
ignorant | Lack of education, uninformed. |
Illyricum | A Roman province N of Macedonia, present day Albania and Yugoslavia. |
image | A copy in the likeness of something. |
Immanuel | Emmanuel, "God with Us", a child prophesied by Isaiah as a deliverer of Judah. |
imminence | State of something about to happen. |
immortal | Not subject to death, live forever. |
immortality | Live forever. |
immutability | The quality of not being able to be changed. |
immutable | Unable to be changed. |
impart | Give a part of. |
impenitent | Unable to feel or show sorrow for your own sin. |
impiety | Without devotion or reverence for God. |
implacable | Immovable, not able to make concessions. |
implead | Bring charges against. |
importunity | Persistent demanding, especially in an annoying or unreasonable way. |
impotent | Having no power or strength, sterile. |
impute | Blame, to attribute. |
inasmuch | Since, because. |
incarnation | The union of God and man in the person of Christ. |
incense | A mixture of gums and spices that when burned give off an odor. |
incontinency | Lack of self control, sexual or physical. |
incontinent | Without self control. |
incorruptible | Not subject to physical or moral decay. |
incorruption | Unable to suffer moral or spiritual decay. |
indignation | Anger brought on by an injustice, unkindness or meanness. |
indwelling | Living within someone or something. |
infallible | Incapable of being wrong. |
infidel | Someone with a different faith or no faith. |
infidelity | Failure in loyalty, such as in a marriage. |
infirmities | Sicknesses, physical weaknesses, moral weaknesses. |
infirmity | Sickness, or disease. |
inherit | Receive something that belonged to someone else, usually at their death. |
inheritance | The part that one is to receive from someone else, usually at their death. |
iniquity | Sin, "not fair", a great injustice. |
inordinate | Not rightly directed. |
inquisition | Inquiry, or investigation. |
inscription | Writing. |
Insomuch | So much so. |
instant | Urgent, or a short period of time. |
insurrection | Organized opposition to authority. |
integrity | Honesty, moral soundness. |
intercession | A prayer or petition for another person. |
interpret | Explain the meaning. |
interpretation | Explanation. |
interpreter | One who explains the meaning. |
intreat | Entreat, to plead with, to plead for. |
intreaty | Pleading. |
inward | Toward the inside. |
inwards | Innards, or insides. |
irreverence | Lack of respect for God. |
Isaac | "Laughter", son of Abraham and Sarah, father of Jacob and Esau, lived 180 years. |
Isaiah | "Salvation of Jehovah", Prophet of Israel, had many prophecies concerning the coming Christ, and a book of his writings. |
Ishbosheth | "A man of shame", son of Saul, who Abner attempted to make king of Israel. |
Ishi | "My husband". |
Ishmael | "God shall hear", son of Abraham and Hagar, had 12 sons, lived 137 years. |
Ishmaelite | Descendant of Ishmael, associated with the Medianites. |
Ishmeelites | Descendants of Ishmael, Abraham's son. |
isle | Island. |
Israel | 1. "Who prevails with God", Jacob, father of the nation Israel. 2. The Jewish nation of 12 tribes of the descendants of Israel, also the name of the Northern Kingdom. |
Israelite | The Jewish people. |
Issachar | The 9th of the 12 sons of Jacob, 5th son of Leah. |
issue | A flowing, going forth, or passing out, or offspring. |
Italy | Pretty much the same area as present day country of Italy. |
Ithamar | Son of Aaron. |