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URL: www.GodOnThe.Net/dictionary |
oath | A solemn or sacred commitment to the truth. |
Obadiah | "Servant of Jehovah", a minor prophet, and the book that records his message of doom for Edom. |
Obed | A son of Boaz and Ruth, grandfather of king David. |
obeisance | Bow down and show respect. |
oblation | The sacrificial offering of the bread and wine to God. |
obstinacy | Stubbornly adhering to a position or opinion. |
obstinate | Stubbornly adhere to a position or opinion in spite of reason. |
Occupy | Function as a business. |
odour | Odor, smell. |
offence | Thing that causes people to sin. |
offend | Hurt the feelings of someone. |
offering | Something given in worship to God. |
offering, burnt | Offered every morning and evening, not to atone for sin, but as a sweet savour to God. |
offering, drink | An offering made wine, offered as a tithe of the first fruits. |
offering, freewill | An offering compelled by the desire to thank God for his bountiful care. |
offering, Heifer | The offering made to make clean the unclean who have come in contact with the dead. |
offering, meat | A meal offering made of flour mixed with oil, offered as a tithe of the first fruits. |
offering, peace | The giving of thanks, the paying of a vow or a voluntary or freewill offering. |
offering, sin | An offering to atone for a sin committed through ignorance, or weakness or accident. |
offering, trespass | An offering to atone for a particular trespass or a special offense. |
offering, wave | Heave offering, an offering that was heaved at the sacrificial table and pulled back. |
office | Position of responsibility. |
offscouring | The refuse, the waste. |
offspring | Your children. |
oft | Often. |
oftentimes | Many times. |
ofttimes | Often. |
Og | King of Bashan, defeated by the Israelites under Moses. |
ointment | A material used for healing or cleansing the skin, or for ritual anointing. |
olive oil | A yellow oil pressed from olives used in cooking, medicine, soap and used for anointing. |
Olives | Mount of Olives, a mile long ridge on the otherside of the Kidron Valley, east of Jerusalem. |
Olivet | Mount of Olives, a mile long ridge on the otherside of the Kidron Valley, east of Jerusalem. |
omega | The last letter of the Greek alphabet. |
omer | A unit of dry measurement, about 5 pints. |
omission | Left undone or left out. |
omnipotence | State of being all powerful. |
omnipotent | All powerful. |
omnipresence | State of being always present. |
omniscience | State of knowing all things. |
Omri | "Handful", 6th King of Israel. |
Onan | Second son of Judah and the Canaanite woman Bathshuah. |
Onesimus | "Profitable", a slave that Paul sent back to his master Philemon. |
Onesiphorus | A friend of Paul. |
onycha | An ingredient of the Holy incense, possibly made from a mullusk. |
onyx | A semiprecious variety of blue quartz with layers of different colors. |
Ophir | A region known for its gold. |
Ophrah | A town where an angel visited Gideon. |
oppress | Treat with unjust harshness. |
oracle | The medium through which God reveals his purpose. |
oration | A formal speech especially one given on a ceremonial occasion. |
orator | Speaker. |
ordain | Establish, or set apart for the ministry of Christ. |
ordinance | A decree or authoritative order, or a religious ceremony that is not a sacrament. |
orion | A constellation. |
Orontes River | An unnavigable river in central Lebanon, flowing north through Western Syria and into Turkey, to the Mediterranean. |
Osee | Hosea, this is in reference to Hosea 2:23 and Hosea 1:10. |
Oshea | Joshua, the son of Nun. |
ospray | A fish eagle. |
ossifrage | The largest of the vultures of the Holy Land. |
Othniel | "Lion of God", the first judge of Israel, brother of Caleb. |
ouches | The gold work that served to fasten the stones, clasps and brooches to the priest's Ephod. |
ought | 1. As a verb means "should" 2. As an adverb means "anything". |
overlaid | Having the surface covered. |
overlay | Cover the surface. |
overmuch | Too much, excessive. |
overseers | Shepherds. |
overshadow | To have a shadow come over something. |
ox | The adult male ox was used to pull wagons, plows etc. |
oxen | Plural of ox. |
Ozias | Uzziah, or Azariah, 10th King of Judah. |