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URL: www.GodOnThe.Net/dictionary |
rabbi | "My master", a Jewish Priest teacher of the law. |
raca | One who is loose in life and manners, carefree, unresponsible. |
Rachab | Rahab the harlot. |
Rachel | "Ewe", daughter of Laban, married Jacob, bore 2 sons, Joseph and Benjamin. |
Ragau | Reu, son of Peleg, lived 239 years. |
rage | A violent and uncontrolled anger. |
Raguel | Probably Jethro, the father in law of Moses. |
Rahab | "Large", prostitute of Jericho that protected the Israelite spies. |
rail | Utter curses and lamentations, to shout abuse. |
railer | One who utters curses and lamentations, or that shouts abuse. |
raiment | Good clothing. |
Ram | 1. A male sheep 2. Son of Hezron, grandson of Pharez, great grandson of Judah, great great grandson of Jacob. 3. Son of Shem, descendants were called Arameans. 4. Son of Hezron. |
Rama | Ramah, a city in the tribe of Benjamin, the home of Samuel. |
Ramah | A city of the tribe of Benjamin, the home of Samuel. |
Ramathlehi | "Height of a jawbone", where Samson slew 1000 Philistines. |
Rameses | A city and district in Egypt. |
Ramoth Gilead | A city of refuge in the tribe of Gad. |
ransom | The amount of money paid or demanded for the release of a captive person. |
Rapha | A leader of a group of people in Canaan. |
raven | A large black predatory bird. |
ravening | Searching for prey. |
ravin | Tear in pieces. |
reap | To gather the fruit or crop. |
reaper | One who harvests a crop. |
Rebecca | Rebekah, "a noose", sister of Laban, married Isaac, mother of Jacob and Esau. |
Rebekah | "A noose", married Isaac, mother of Jacob and Esau. |
rebellious | Stubbornly refuse to allow someone else to control. |
rebuke | Harshly tell someone that he is wrong. |
reciprocation | Return in the same manner something that was done or given. |
reckon | Calculate. |
recompence | Payment or compensation. |
recompense | Repay. |
reconcile | Bring back together. |
reconciliation | Bring together again in love or friendship. |
Red Sea | The body of water between Arabia and Africa. |
redeem | Pay in full. |
redeemer | The one who paid the price. |
redemption | Salvation from sin and its consequences. |
redound | Contribute to someone's credit or discredit. |
refrain | Hold back from doing something. |
refuge | Place of safety. |
regard | Esteem, or to consider. |
regeneration | Spiritually restored to new life. |
rehearse | Repeat out loud. |
Rehoboam | "Extension of the people", 1st King of Judah, son of Solomon. |
Rehoboth | 1. A part of the city of Ninevah. 2. "Wide place or streets", the third of a series of wells dug by Isaac. 3. By the river, a city of Shaul, one of the early Edomite kings. |
reign | Hold royal office. |
religion | A man's expression of his acknowledgement of god. |
religious | Faithful to religion. |
remission | Forgiveness. |
remit | To forgive a sin, to waive a debt, or to send money. |
remnant | The part that is left. |
rend | Twist your clothes as a sign of grief. |
Render | Give what is due. |
renounce | Disclaim, refuse to have anything to do with. |
renown | Fame. |
rent | Tear your clothes, or a tear in an article of clothing, or split into two or more parts. |
repent | Acknowledge one's wrong and turn away from it. |
repentance | The act of repenting, turning from sin. |
Rephidim | Where Israel complained to Moses that they had no water. |
replenish | Get a new supply of. |
reproach | Tell someone that he has acted wrongly and has hurt you. |
reprobate | Someone who pursues evil rather than good. |
reproof | Rebuke. |
reprove | Rebuke someone. |
requite | Repay someone for a benefit. |
rereward | Rearward, rear guard. |
resh | The 20th letter of the Hebrew alphabet. |
residue | Rest, remaining. |
resort | To go in great number. |
respite | A time of relief from work or suffering. |
restitution | The act of giving back or replacing to the original owner. |
restoration | Brought back to the original state or being. |
restore | Return. |
restrain | Hold back. |
resurrection | The act of rising from the dead. |
retain | Keep. |
retribution | Giving out the punishment that one deserves. |
Reu | Son of Peleg, lived 239 years. |
Reuben | The 1st, oldest of the 12 sons of Jacob, 1st son of Leah. |
Reubenites | Descendants of Reuben, the first son of Jacob. |
Reuel | Jethro, the priest of Midian, the father in law to Moses. |
reveal | Make the truth known. |
Revelation | "Veil drawn back", and John's book from the Isle of Patmos of God's manifestation of himself to man. |
revenger | The one who takes or executes vengeance. |
reverence | Show respect for something. |
revile | Use abusive language. |
reviler | Someone who is using abusive language. |
Rezin | King of Syria whose capital was Damascus. |
Rezon | An Armenian bandit leader who seized the city of Damascus from Solomon. |
Rhegium | A town on the SW coast of Italy. |
Rhoda | The young girl that answered Peter's knock when an angel had released him from prison. |
Rhodes | A large island off the SW coast of Asia Minor. |
ribband | Ribbon, used to attach the tassels to the Israelite garments. |
righteous | Living a good moral life. |
righteousness | Godliness, living a good moral life. |
rigour | Rigor, extreme harshness. |
Rimmon | Where the 600 Benjamite survivors escaped destruction at the hands of Israel. |
ringstraked | Multicolored. |
ritual | Any method of doing something in which the details are faithfully repeated. |
Roboam | Rehoboam, son of Solomon, 1st King of Judah. |
rod | A stout club about 3 feet long, used by shepherds to drive off wolves. |
roe | A female mountain goat. |
roebuck | The male roe deer. |
Roman | A member of the Roman empire. |
Romans | The book, written by Paul, to the church at Rome. |
Rome | The capital and largest city of the Roman empire. |
root up | Dig up. |
rooted | Planted, established. |
rover | Someone that continuously travels. |
ruddy | Red headed, red complexion. |
rude | Very impolite, even vulgar. |
rudiments | Basic principles, the beginning of something. |
rue | European shrub bearing yellow flowers, with strongly scented, bitter leaves that are used as a narcotic and stimulant. |
Ruhamah | "Pitied, having obtained mercy", a symbolic name for Israel. |
rumour | A nonvalidated report that is circulated. |
rump | The upper hindquarters of an animal. |
Ruth | "A friend", married Boaz, great grandmother of David, and the book that tells her story. |