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URL: www.GodOnThe.Net/dictionary |
Sabaoth | Almighty. |
sabbath | "Rest", the day of rest ordained by God for man, the seventh day, Saturday. |
sackcloth | Coarse clothing worn to show remorse or mourning. |
sacrament | Certain Christian rites said to have been instituted by Christ, (Baptism, Lord's supper). |
sacred | Set apart, especially for the service of worship. |
sacrifice | 1. Make an offering of an animal, food or incense. 2. Deprive yourself of something for the sake of another person or ideal. |
sacrilege | The violation of a sacred object, or the misuse of a sacred object. |
Sadducees | A Jewish religious sect that believed in free will and deny belief in the resurrection of the dead. |
saint | One who is set apart, like a Christian. |
Sala | Salah, son of Arphaxad, lived 433 years. |
Salah | Son of Arphaxad, lived 433 years. |
Salamis | A town on the east coast of the central plain of Cyprus. |
Salem | The place where Melchizedek ruled, probably the ancient site of Jerusalem. |
Salmon | Great, great grandfather of David. |
Salmone | A very high jet of land on the E side of the island of Crete, now known as Cape Sidero. |
Salome | "Peaceable", the mother of James and John. |
Salt Sea | The Dead Sea. |
salutations | Greetings. |
Salute | Greet. |
salvation | Deliverance from danger, God's gift to save mankind from the penalty of sin. |
Samaria | "Watch mountain", capital city of the northern Kingdom of Israel. |
Samaritan | Inhabitant of Samaria, originally was a group of foreigners sent by the King of Assyria to inhabit the land of Israel, despised by the Jews. |
samech | The 15th letter of the Hebrew alphabet. |
Samos | One of the larger islands off the W coast of Asia Minor, SW of Ephesus. |
Samson | "Sun man", an Israelite judge, a Nazarite that possessed amazing strength. |
Samuel | "Name of God", as a boy he was dedicated to God, became one of the greatest prophets of Israel. |
Sanballat | One of the ones who opposed Nehemiah in the rebuilding of the temple and city walls of Jerusalem. |
sanctification | To be set apart for a spiritual purpose, to be made holy. |
sanctified | Set apart for a spiritual purpose. |
sanctify | Make holy, to reverence as holy, or to give authority to. |
sanctuary | Place of safety, the place dedicated for the worship of God. |
Sanhedrin | The Supreme council, or court of the Jewish nation, 71 members all over the age of 30. |
Sapphira | "Beautiful", wife of Ananias, also died for lying to God. |
Sapphire | A precious blue corundum stone used in jewelry. |
Sarah | "Princess", the wife of Abraham, mother of Isaac, lived 127 years. |
Sarai | Sarah, "Princess", the wife of Abraham. |
Sardis | Ancient capital city of Lydia, 5th of the 7 churches of Revelation. |
sardius | A red gemstone, probably either a sard, an orange-red variety of chalcedony, or a sardonyx, a variety of onyx with layers of orange-red and white. |
Sarepta | Zarephath, where the widow took care of Elijah. |
Saruch | Sereg, son of Reu, lived 230 years. |
Satan | "Adversary", the devil, Lucifer, Bilial, Beelzebub, the Prince of darkness, the serpent. |
satanic | Of satan or characteristic of satan. |
satyr | "Hairy one", or "he-goat". |
Saul | 1. "Asked for", 1st King of all Israel. 2. "Asked for", the name of the Apostle Paul before he was converted. |
save | Rescue, or to store, or except. |
saved | Rescued, delivered, redeemed from the penalty of sin. |
saviour | The one who saves us from our sins. |
savor | Taste or smell good. |
savour | Taste or smell good. |
sawn | Sawed, cut. |
scab | Festering sores. |
scabbed | An animal that has a crust formed on the skin or scalp. |
scall | A general term for eruptions. |
scapegoat | A goat (or person) who bears the blame that should fall on others. |
scarce | Hardly. |
scarlet | A brilliant red color. |
scepter | A staff carried by a dignitary that symbolizes his authority. |
sceptre | A staff carried by a dignitary that symbolizes his authority. |
schin | The 21st letter of the Hebrew alphabet. |
schism | The separation of the Church due to the disagreement on doctrine. |
scoffer | One who ridicules, mocks or makes fun of another person. |
scorn | Hold in extreme contempt another person. |
scourge | Punishment by whipping with rods or cords, or to examine. |
scribes | Writers, or secretaries that recorded the Scriptures. |
scrip | A traveler's bag slung over his shoulder with a strap. |
scripture | The written word. |
scroll | A long roll of paper used for writing. |
scurvy | A disease characterized by skin spots, swollen gums, bleeding in the mucous membranes caused by a lack of Vitamin C. |
Sea of Galilee | Sea of Tiberias, Sea of Gennesaret, a large freshwater lake on the Jordan River 680 feet below sea level. |
sea of the plain | Dead Sea. |
second watch | Roman watch 9:00 pm to midnight, Jewish watch 10:00 pm to 2:00 am. |
sect | A group sharing a common belief that has broken off from a larger group. |
sedition | The inciting of hostility against the government. |
seduce | To lead astray by persuasion. |
seed | Descendants. |
seek | Look diligently for something. |
seer | A wise man with powers of divination. |
seethe | Bubble violently as in boiling water, to be in a state of turmoil or rage. |
Seir | Chief of the Horites, mountainous territory of Edom. |
selah | A musical term meaning to pause. |
Selahammahlekoth | "Cliff of divisions", the name of the great gorge south-east of Hebron, now called the Wady Malaky, where David and Saul stood on opposing cliffs, with this deep chasm between. |
Seleucia | A seaport on the western coast of the Mediterranean Sea. |
selvedge | The edge of a piece of cloth. |
Sem | Shem, son of Noah, lived 600 years. |
Semites | The people descended from Shem, the son of Noah. |
senate | An assembly of the elders. |
Sennacherib | "Sin (the moon god) gives many brothers", King of Assyria. |
sensual | Concerned about the satisfaction of sexual desires. |
sentence | State the punishment for a crime. |
sepulchre | Tomb, place to bury someone. |
Seraphim | An angelic being of the highest order. |
Serpent | "Creeper", Satan. |
Serug | Son of Reu, lived 230 years. |
servile | Like a slave. |
Seth | The third son of Adam and Eve, lived 912 years. |
settle | Decide. |
seven candlesticks | Seven churches. |
seven lamps | Seven Spirits of God. |
seven stars | Angels of the seven churches. |
seventh hour | 1:00 pm. |
sever | Separate. |
severally | More than one. |
Shadrach | "Command of Aku (moon god)", one of Daniel's companions, a Hebrew captive. |
Shallum | "Recompense", 15th King of Israel. |
shalt | Shall. |
shambles | Slaughterhouse. |
Shamgar | A Judge of Israel, son of Anath, which slew 600 Philistines with an ox goad. |
Shammah | David's third oldest brother. |
sheaf | A bundle of straw or grain. |
sheaves | Bundles of straw or grain. |
Sheba | "Oath", a country known for its merchants, incense, spices, gold. |
Shebah | "Oath", where Isaac dug a well. |
Shechem | Where God appeared unto Abraham, and promised him the land, and where Joseph was buried. |
shed | Thrown off. |
sheep | Represented the good. |
Sheepcote | Sheepfold, pen used to keep sheep. |
sheepfold | A pen for sheep. |
shekel | The name of a coin whose weight equal the weight of 20 gerahs (beans or grains). |
Shelah | Third and youngest son of Judah, by the Canaanite woman Bathshuah. |
Shem | Son of Noah, lived 600 years. |
Sheol | Hebrew term for the abode of the dead. |
shepherd | One who provides food, protection and care for sheep. |
Sheth | Seth, son of Adam, father of Enos. |
shew | Show. |
shewbread | Consecrated unleavened bread symbolizing gratitude to God as the giver of all things. |
Shiloh | 1. City of Ephraim 10 miles NE of Bethel, site of the Ark of the Covenant. 2. "Peaceful one", sometimes refers to the Messiah. |
Shimei | A man that cursed David, but Solomon avenged. |
Shimron | A northern Canaanite city near Bethlehem taken by Joshua. |
Shishak | A king of Egypt that attacked Jerusalem. |
shittim wood | Used in the building of the tabernacle, ideal for making cabinets. |
shivers | Small pieces. |
shocks | Stacks of sheaves of grain. |
shod | Have your feet covered. |
shoot forth | Bring forth new growth. |
shorn | Shaved, or cut off, like in wool. |
shun | Avoid. |
Shunam | A town of Isaachar. |
Shunammite | An inhabitant of Shunam. |
Shushan | Susa, capital of Persia. |
sickle | A tool with a curved blade and a wooden handle used to cut grass, hay, corn. |
Sidon | A Phoenician city 25 miles north of Tyre. |
siege | To isolate a fortified place in order to make it surrender. |
sift | Separate. |
sign | Something that conveys an idea or meaning. |
signet | A personal seal used to show authenticity of documents. |
signification | Significance. |
signified | Predicted. |
signify | Specify. |
Sihon | King of the Amorites, defeated by Israel under Moses. |
Silas | "Belonging to a wood", Silvanus, accompanied Paul on his second missionary journey. |
Siloam | A fountain or pool near Jerusalem. |
Simeon | 1. "Hearing", 2nd of the 12 sons of Jacob, 2nd son of Leah. 2. A devout man who blessed Christ at the temple. 3. Niger, probably a dark skinned Jewish leader at Antioch. |
similitude | Resemblance, likeness. |
Simon | 1. Peter, an apostle of Jesus, brother of Andrew. 2. One of Christ brothers. 3. The Canaanite, an apostle of Jesus. 4. "Hearing", the leper in whose house Jesus was anointed with oil. 5. Simon of Cyrene, who carried the cross for Jesus. 6. The Pharisee in whose house the feet of Jesus were washed with tears. 7. Iscariot, the father of Judas Iscariot. 8. The scorner. 9. The tanner in whose house Peter lodged. |
Simon a Cyrenian | The man forced to carry the cross for Jesus. |
Simon Peter | Peter, an apostle of Jesus, brother of Andrew. |
Simon the Canaanite | Simon the Zealot, a disciple of Christ. |
Simon the leper | Owner of the house where Jesus head was anointed with oil. |
Simon Zelotes | Simon the Zealot, a disciple of Christ. |
sin | Anything that we do or don't do that God does not approve of. |
sin offering | An offering to atone for a sin through ignorance, or weakness or accident. |
Sinai | Mountain where Moses saw the burning bush, and later received the 10 commandments. |
sincere | Honest and genuine. |
sincerity | In all honesty and genuineness. |
sinew | Ligament, muscular, physical strength. |
sinner | Anyone who commits even one sin. |
Sion | Zion, a hill, ridge inside the city of Jerusalem. |
Sisera | A general of Jabin's army. |
sith | Since, if. |
Sitnah | Strife. |
sixscore | 120. |
sixth hour | 12:00 noon. |
slain | Killed. |
slander | A false or insulting statement. |
slay | Kill violently. |
sleep | Sometimes refers to being dead. |
sleight | Intentional rudeness. |
slew | Killed. |
sling | A weapon that is used to throw a stone. |
slothfulness | Lazy, spiritually indifferent. |
slow bellies | Lazy gluttons, only willing to work in order to fill their own bellies. |
sluggard | A lazy, slow, inactive person. |
slumber | Sleep. |
smite | Hit, deliver a powerful swift blow. |
smitten | Beaten, received a sudden, powerful blow. |
smote | Hit, inflicted a crushing defeat. |
Smyrna | A city in the Roman province of Asia on the Aegean shore, the 2nd of the 7 churches of Revelation. |
snare | Catch or trap. |
snuffdishes | Coal pans used for bringing the live coals from the altar. |
sober | Clear in thinking. |
sobriety | Soberness, clear in thinking. |
sod | Cooked or boiled. |
sodden | Cooked, boiled. |
Sodom | City destroyed by God for it wickedness. |
Sodoma | Sodom. |
sodomite | One who commits sodomy. |
sodomy | Unnatural sex. |
sojourn | Stay or dwell in a place for a short period of time. |
sojourner | Travelor. |
Solomon | "Peaceful", son of David, 3rd King of all Israel, given wisdom and wealth by God. |
Solomon's porch | This porch, stretched along the eastern side of Herod's temple, is where the scribes held their schools and debates and where the money changers had their stalls. |
Son of God | Jesus Christ, the only begotten, born Son of God. |
Son of man | A Messianic title that only Jesus used to refer to himself. |
son of perdition | Judas, the one who betrayed Jesus. |
Song of Solomon | An unusual book of the Bible that reads like a love story but has hidden meaning. |
soothsayer | Someone who makes his living predicting the future. |
sop | A piece of bread or cake that is to be dipped in some liquid before it is eaten. |
sorcerer | One who practiced magic by occult means to influence people. |
sorcery | The use of magic powers derived from evil spirits. |
sore | Very much. |
sorrow | Grieve or feel sadness. |
sorrowful | Full of grief and sadness. |
Sosthenes | The synagogue ruler at Corinth that was beaten for an unknown reason. |
sought | Looked for, tried. |
soul | The part of man that makes him different than the animals, the part that lives forever. |
sound | Wise, reliable, solid, or a noise. |
sounded | Examined by causing to make sounds. |
soundness | Firmness. |
sovereign | Supreme authority to make decisions, carry out actions. |
sow | Plant. |
sower | One who plants seed. |
sown | Planted. |
spake | Spoke. |
span | The width of a man's hand (about nine inches, 1/2 cubit) from tip of little finger to end of thumb. |
spat | Spit. |
speckled | Spotted. |
spectacle | On display, rediculous. |
spikenard | An east Indian fragrant plant that was used to make expensive perfume. |
spin | The process of drawing out and twisting cotton, silk, etc into thread. |
spirit | "Breath", the nonvisible part of man or God, the temperament. |
Spirit of God | The Holy Spirit, the invisible part of God that is on the earth. |
Spirit of truth | Holy Spirit. |
spiritual | In contact with a spirit such as the Holy Spirit. |
spoil | Winnings of battle. |
spotless | Sinless, without any fault, without any blemish. |
spue | Spit. |
stablisheth | Establishes. |
stacte | Myrrh in the form of drops. |
staff | A rod carried by a shepherd to aide in walking and defending the sheep. |
stanch | Prevent or stop the flow of blood from a wound. |
standard | A banner or flag representing a tribe. |
stature | Height. |
statute | A written law. |
staves | A group of rods (where each represented a tribe, or person) that were inserted into rings and used for carrying a large object. |
stayed | Stopped. |
stead | Place. |
stedfast | Firm, unchanging. |
Stephen | "Crown", One of the seven Deacons, was killed for his faith. |
stern | The rear end of a ship. |
steward | The one responsible for the protection or usage of something. |
stiffnecked | Stubborn. |
stocks | A wooden frame with holes for confining the ankles, and sometimes the wrists. |
Stoicks | Believed people should live in accordance with nature, be independent and self sufficient, but supress their own desires. |
stone | Kill by throwing stones at someone. |
storehouse | Church, the place to bring our offerings. |
straightway | Immediately, at once. |
strait | In severe difficulty, possibly narrow. |
strait gate | A very narrow gate. |
straitened | Closed in, restricted, forced into difficulty. |
straitly | Directly, with no room for doubt. |
straitness | Distress. |
straits | In severe difficulty, usually financial. |
strake | An unbroken line of planks or plates running along the side of a vessel from stem to stern. |
strakes | Peelings or slivers of wood. |
strangled | Animals killed by strangling, thus not bled properly. |
strawed | Spread. |
stricken | Afflicted. |
strife | Struggle. |
strive | Struggle, to make a great effort, to fight. |
strove | Fought. |
stubble | The stalk or stub of a plant. |
stubborn | One who refuses to change. |
stumblingblock | An obstacle to our understanding. |
subdue | Control, discipline or bring into subjection. |
subject | Under the rule of, or owing allegiance to. |
subjection | Under the rule of, or owing allegiance to. |
submit | Give in to another, to offer as an opinion. |
suborned | Incited, usually by bribery, to commit perjury or other unlawful acts. |
substance | The matter with which something is made. |
subtilty | Elusive, emphasizes small differences or distinctions. |
subtle | Sneaky, cleaver, elusive. |
subvert | Corrupt by undermining one's faith or morals. |
succor | Help, to aid. |
Succoth | A city in Canaan. |
succourer | One who gives aid. |
suffer | Allow, or to put up with, or made to bear discomfort or heart ache. |
suffice | Satisfy. |
sumptuously | With great splendor, luxury. |
sunder | Into two or more parts. |
sundry | Various. |
sup | Eat supper. |
superfluity | Something being more than is needed. |
superfluous | More than necessary. |
superscription | A word or symbol written above that which it describes. |
superstition | A belief in something not justified by reason or evidence. |
superstitious | Believe in something not justified by reason or evidence. |
supplication | The act of making a humble request. |
surety | Without doubt. |
surfeiting | Overindulgence in eating and drinking. |
surname | Family name. |
sustenance | Food. |
swaddling clothes | Strips of cloth often wrapped around a newborn or infant child. |
swine | Hogs. |
sycamine | Sycomore. |
Sychem | Shechem. |
sycomore | Sycamore, a European maple tree, having striking yellow flowers, used as a shade tree. |
synagogue | A local Jewish meeting place. |
Syracuse | The leading city of the island of Sicily. |
Syria | A province north of Galilee and between Damascus and the Mediterranean Sea. |