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URL: www.GodOnThe.Net/dictionary |
Taanach | A Canaanite city. |
Taberah | The place in the wilderness where when the people complained, God's fire came down and consumed some of them. |
tabernacle | "Tent", the portable sanctuary containing the Ark of the Covenant carried by Israel while in the deserts. |
Tabitha | "Gazelle" in Aramaic. |
Tabor | A mountain where Barak and Deborah defeated Sisera. |
tabrets | A musical instrument, small drum. |
taches | Some of the knobs upon which were hung the curtains of the tabernacle. |
tackling | The ship's rigging. |
talent | A unit of weight, about 125 pounds. |
Tamar | Wife of Er, Onan, and then Judah, mother of twins, Pharez and Zarah. |
tanner | Someone who treats animal skins so as to make them into a useful leather. |
tare | Tore. |
tares | Weeds. |
target | A kind of small shield for the throat. |
tarried | Waited. |
tarry | Spend time, delay, wait. |
Tarshish | Means smelting plant or refinery, term originally used to identify ships used for carrying raw materials, but later for all great ships. |
Tarsus | "Wing", a city of Cilicia, Paul's hometown. |
taskmaster | Pharaoh's men assigned to forcing the Israelites to hard labor. |
tau | The 22nd letter of the Hebrew alphabet. |
TEKEL | Weighed. |
Tekoah | A town about 6 miles south of Bethlehem. |
temperance | To be moderate, to abstained from all alcoholic drinks. |
temperate | Moderate, avoiding extremes. |
tempered | Brought to a desired state of hardness. |
tempest | A very violent wind often accompanied by hail, heavy rain or snow. |
tempestuous | Marked by raging storms or gales. |
temple | The place where God dwells, or where God is worshipped. |
temporal | Concerned with life on earth rather than life after death. |
tempt | To test, or to try to persuade someone to do something wrong. |
temptation | Something which might make us want to do something wrong. |
tempter | Satan, the one who tempts us. |
tenons | Dowel pins at the end of planks of the tabernacle. |
tenor | The general direction or meaning. |
tenth hour | 4:00 pm. |
Terah | The father of Abraham, lived 205 years. |
teraphim | Figurines or images in human form. |
terrestrial | Earthly. |
terrified | Filled with great fear. |
terror | A person or thing that causes great fear. |
Tertius | The scribe to whom Paul dictated the book of Romans. |
testify | Give a statement under oath. |
testimony | An oral or written statement made under oath by a witness in a legal proceeding. |
Teth | The 9th letter of the Hebrew alphabet. |
Tetrarch | A governor of a one fourth part of a providence of the Roman Empire. |
Thaddaeus | "Son of heart", Judas, Labbaeus, an apostle of Christ. |
Thamar | Wife of Er, Onan, and then Judah, mother of twins, Pharez and Zarah. |
Thara | Terah, father of Abraham, lived 205 years. |
theatre | Theater. |
Thebes | The capital city of Egypt, divided in two by the Nile river. |
thee | You. |
thee-ward | Towards you. |
thence | From that place, or for that reason. |
thenceforth | From then on. |
Theophilus | "Friend of God", the name of the person to whom Luke addressed his books possibly means "the Christian reader". |
therein | In that thing or place. |
Thessalonians | The letters Paul wrote to the church at Thessalonica. |
Thessalonica | Therma, capital city of Macedonia under the Romans, visited by Paul. |
Theudas | An imposter that was killed and his followers dispersed. |
thicket | A thick growth of bushes and small trees. |
thine | Your. |
third hour | 9:00 am. |
third watch | Roman watch Midnight to 3:00 am, Jewish watch 2:00 am to sunrise. |
thistle | Tall prickly plants. |
thither | There. |
thitherward | That way. |
Thomas | Didymus, "twin", doubting Thomas, one of the 12 apostles. |
thou | You. |
three taverns | A town 33 miles from Rome. |
threescore | 60. |
threshing | Separating the grain from the shell, usually by crushing it. |
thrice | Three times. |
throng | Crowd, to gather tightly together. |
thrust | Throw. |
thy | Your. |
Thyatira | A city of Asia Minor, 4th of the 7 churches in Revelation. |
Tiberias | A capital city on the sea of Galilee. |
Tiberius Caesar | The Roman emperor during the last half of Jesus life. |
Tibni | Competed for King of Israel against Omri. |
tidings | News. |
timbrels | An ancient tambourine, musical instrument. |
Timotheus | Timothy. |
Timothy | "Honoring God", a friend converted to Christianity by Paul, accompanied Paul on many occasions, and Paul's letters to him. |
Tirshatha | Governor. |
tithe | "Tenth", the part of our income that is supposed to be returned to God. |
tittle | A small mark over a letter or word. |
Titus | "Pleasant", a Gentile traveling companion of Paul, and Paul's letter to him. |
to and fro | Back and forth. |
Tobiah | One of the leading opponents of Nehemiah to the rebuilding of the temple at Jerusalem. |
toil | Work. |
token | An object that serves as a symbol of something. |
Tola | One of the judges of Israel. |
tolerable | Acceptable. |
tomb | Place where a dead body is buried. |
tongs | Pincers for holding coals. |
tongue | Language. |
tongues | Gift of speaking in new languages. |
topaz | Chrysolite, a yellow green gemstone, peridot, similar to emeralds. |
Torah | Law, the first five books of the old testament. |
torment | Inflict great pain on mind or body. |
tow | String. |
traditions | The laws orally handed down by Moses, and later written as part of the Old Testament. |
traitor | One who betrays a trust. |
trance | A state of being insensitive to the surroundings, but with partial retention of function. |
tranquillity | Peacefulness, quietness. |
transfiguration | The changing of Christ's appearance to his disciples as he was praying. |
transform | Change. |
transgress | Break, or go beyond the limits, or sin. |
transgression | Sin, a violation of the law through ignorance. |
transgressor | One who breaks, or go beyond the limits, or sins. |
translated | Changed from one form to another. |
translation | A conversion of the Bible from one language to another, for example King James is a translation from Greek and Hebrew to English. |
travail | Difficult or painful work, or intense mental agony or torment, such as when a woman delivers a child. |
treacherous | The character or actions of a traitor, unreliable. |
treachery | Disloyalty or treason. |
tread | Walk on. |
treason | An attempt to overthrow the government to which a person owes his allegiance. |
treasury | Where the offerings were put. |
treatise | A thorough written study of a particular subject. |
trespass | Sin, a wrong against another person, his property or his rights. |
trespass offering | An offering to atone for a particular trespass or a special offense. |
tribe | All of the descendants of a person. |
tribulation | A time of unparalleled suffering. |
tribute | A tax, a payment in money to one who has authority over the giver. |
trinity | The three in one, God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. |
Troas | A city on the coast of Mysia, where Paul received the vision to go to Macedonia. |
trodden | Beat down or wear away by walking on. |
trode | Trampled. |
Trogyllium | A point of high land jutting out into the sea off the W coast of Asia Minor between Ephesus and Miletus, within a mile of Samos. |
trow | Praise, flatter or apologize, etc excessively. |
truth | The quality of being true and accurate. |
tumult | An uproar made by a rioting crowd of people. |
turtledoves | A small variety of lightbrown dove, used as a sacrifice. |
turtles | Turtledoves. |
tutor | Teacher. |
twain | Two or between. |
twinkling | Blinking. |
Tychicus | "Fate", a companion of Paul. |
tyranny | The unjust and cruel exercise of power. |
Tyre | "Rock", an ancient seaport of Phoenicia, famous for its Tyrian purple dye and silk. |
Tyrus | "Rock", an ancient seaport of Phoenicia, famous for its Tyrian purple dye and silk. |
Tzaddi | The 18th letter of the Hebrew alphabet. |