Who is Satan? Who is Lucifer? Who
is Beelzebub? |
Who or what is the Devil? |
As a result of sin, Lucifer
became the most corrupt, most evil creature in existence. |
God drove Lucifer out of paradise. |
Satan corrupted his own wisdom. |
Although Satan's wisdom is now corrupt,
he is still very wise. |
God punished Satan by bringing him to a
terrible fate. |
It is important to understand that Satan
will never cease to exist. |
Can Satan or demons perform miracles? |
God generally prohibits Satan from performing
miracles. |
Does Satan know the future? |
knows the Bible -- including the prophecies. |
also can predict the future from past trends, just like lawyers,
accountants, financial analysts, etc. |
Satan has access to 'insider
information' which sometimes enables him to predict events in the
near future. |
Warning - this type of conduct can have
horrible, eternal consequences. |
We cannot initiate direct contact with
good spirits. |
Who created the Devil? |
Jesus created Satan. |
If God is supposed to
know everything, how could He have been so wrong about Lucifer? |
God wasn't wrong about
Lucifer. God knew up front exactly what Lucifer would eventually
just as He knew what Judas Iscariot would do. |
The devil and demons are angels who rebelled
against God. |
These fallen angels have
chosen to do evil, and they seek to ruin the lives of humans. |
Satan must ask God's
permission to tempt someone. |
God sets limits on what Satan
can do. |
Mankind is caught in the
midst of a spiritual war with the holy God and His loyal angels
on one side and
the evil Satan and his demons on the other. |
If we resist the Devil
he will flee. |
We do not have the power
to resist the Devil on our own. |
To resist the Devil we
must put on the full armor of God. |
Although God allows Satan
to tempt us, He always provides a way out. |
Satan knows the Scriptures
and will try to misuse them to suit his own plans. |
Satan tries to stop people
from studying the Bible. |
Jesus came to destroy
the works of the devil and his fallen angels so men may eternally
have the best life possible. |
The outcome of the spiritual
war is already determined. Jesus conquered Satan and his demons
and death and sin
for all eternity by His sacrifice on the Cross.
He proved it by coming back from the dead. |
'Hell', 'Hades' and 'the Lake of Fire'
-- a word about terminology. |
Ultimately, the devil
and his demons will be punished in the Lake of Fire for all eternity. |
Satan won't be the boss of the Lake of
Fire. |
of Satan List |