DOCTRINES - Part 1 |
The Only Gospel (Good News) of Jesus Christ. |
There is only one God. |
This God is a triune God -- one God consisting
of three distinct persons. |
Each person of the Godhead is fully God,
yet there is only one God. |
God is sovereign. He is ruler over
everything. |
All men have sinned against
God, thereby pushing themselves away from God. |
Sin separates us from God. |
God HATES sin. |
Jesus is literally the Son of God. |
Jesus became a human -- fully human, with
a flesh-and-blood body. |
After Jesus became a man
He had two natures. He was fully God and fully man. |
Jesus lived as a man without committing
sin. |
Question: How can
you say Jesus didn't sin? What about when He went into the
temple with the whip and threw people out? |
God sent Jesus to save
us from our sins by his death and resurrection. |
Jesus voluntarily sacrificed
Himself. |
Jesus Christ literally
arose from the dead after three days, in a new physical resurrected
body. |
Jesus saved us because
of His mercy, not because we deserved it. |
There is one mediator
between God and man - Jesus Christ. |
As a result of Jesus'
sacrifice, salvation is available
to all mankind. |
Jesus finished the work
of salvation on Calvary. Nothing remains to be done to obtain
salvation. |
Salvation is a free
gift from God, not something
we can earn. |
There is nothing man can
do on his own
to obtain salvation -- no amount
good works, kindness,
charity, etc., is sufficient. |
To obtain salvation, a person must do all
of the following ... (list) |
To obtain salvation a person must be born
again, i.e., born spiritually. |
If a person accepts Jesus
as his savior, God will forgive the person's sins and when the person
dies God will give him great rewards, including eternal life. |
a person refuses to accept Jesus, the person will be punished forever
after he dies. |
Belief in some
god or gods is not enough; God will only save those who accept Him. |
It is not enough to believe
in Jehovah. To be saved a person also must
believe in Jesus. |
"Believing in Jesus"
means believing that Jesus
is God, not merely a messenger
from God such as a prophet or an apostle. |
"Believing in Jesus"
means trying to live the way
Jesus says to live, not
merely an intellectual belief. |
Without faith it is impossible
to please God. |
There is a literal devil
and demons. They are angels who rebelled against God. |
These fallen angels have
chosen to do evil, and they seek to ruin the lives of humans. |
We are in the midst of a spiritual war. |
Jesus came to destroy
the works of the devil and his fallen angels so men may eternally
have the best life possible. |
The outcome of the spiritual
war is already determined. Jesus conquered death and sin for
ll eternity by His sacrifice on the Cross. He proved it by
coming back from the dead. |
Jesus is going to come
back and judge everyone who has ever lived. He will reward
righteous and punish the wicked. |
All men will be resurrected,
both the righteous and the wicked. |
Those who reject Christ
will not be resurrected until the Great White Throne Judgment of
the damned. |
There is a real, literal
Hell. It is a specific place, with eternal fire. Those
who are
not saved will be imprisoned and punished there forever. |
have a choice to make: (a) Accept Jesus or (a) be punished forever. |
Major Christian Doctrines - Part 2 |
of Doctrines Part 1List |